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Viewing messages 61 to 65.
Tonia Miracle
I am so excited to get your book and start reading it. It will be an early birthday present to myself.
6 January 2009 - Bellbrook, Ohio

Lanie Stites
I loved your book. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN.
3 January 2009 - New Paris, Ohio

Bill Sullivan
Merry Christmas, Darrell! I completed reading Dreams Outback today--Christmas day 2008, and enjoyed it very much. I consider it a Christmas gift from an old friend. God bless you and Donna, and God bless America! Do you understand?
26 December 2008 - Beavercreek, Ohio

Rachel Mason
Hey Darrell, I love Dreams Outback, I'm reading it for the second time! I'm looking forward to seeing you and Donna at your next book signing.
21 December 2008 - Beavercreek, Ohio

Dave Frawley
Hearty Congratulations Darrell !!
You did a great job writing this book. Can't wait to read your next work. May the Lord blessed you.
19 December 2008 - Carson City, Nevada

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